Bible Crosswords.
AGAPE - Unconditional and Unparalleled Love of our Lord.
Learn The Bible through crosswords. Grow in wisdom and knowledge.
Language: ENGLISH | Crosswords#: 3
RANK | CW Toppers AGAPE/CW-001 | Score | |
| 1 | Vicar.CarmelaramPlayed On 2022-02-19 04:18:23[UTC+0:0]🌙 | 150 |
| 2 | PanattilPlayed On 2022-02-27 18:05:49[UTC+0:0]🌙 | 122 |
| 3 | annmarypaulPlayed On 2022-03-04 15:23:49[UTC+0:0]🔆 | 122 |
| 4 | KevinAibiPlayed On 2022-03-05 07:40:24[UTC+0:0]🌅 | 121 |
| 5 | MelissaPlayed On 2022-03-05 12:09:19[UTC+0:0]🔆 | 121 |
| 6 | PrasadPlayed On 2022-03-30 12:38:09[UTC+0:0]🔆 | 121 |
(Cached data. Scoreboard updates hourly) |
RANK | Event LeaderBoard -Agape | Score | |
| 1 | Vicar.Carmelaram2022-02-19 04:18:23[UTC+0:0]🌙 | 150 |
| 2 | Panattil2022-02-27 18:05:49[UTC+0:0]🌙 | 122 |
| 2 | annmarypaul2022-03-04 15:23:49[UTC+0:0]🔆 | 122 |
| 4 | KevinAibi2022-03-05 07:40:24[UTC+0:0]🌅 | 121 |
| 4 | Melissa2022-03-05 12:09:19[UTC+0:0]🔆 | 121 |
| 4 | Prasad2022-03-30 12:38:09[UTC+0:0]🔆 | 121 |
Last Updated: 2025-03-14 06:11:34[UTC+0:0]🌅 (Updates hourly)